Solicitor registered with the Law Society of Ireland
I am Cristina Stamatescu and I am a practising Solicitor in Ireland, registered with the Law Society of Ireland since 2013.
I have a vast experience and I have represented my clients in numerous successful cases before the Irish Courts including Supreme Court and Court of Justice of the European Union with representation before CJEU in Luxembourg.
I have a great involvement in areas of Human Rights and Equality and I currently act as committee member of:
The Law Society of Ireland - Human Rights and Equality Committee (chair);
Dublin Solicitors Bar Association - Human Rights Committee (co-chair);
Irish Immigration Lawyers Association.
As part of my professional career I established an impeccable reputation and standing.
I have a great working relationships with my colleagues in various organisations providing the opportunity to represent my clients at highest levels of proficiency and expertise.
As part of my involvement I have been invited to attend Radio Broadcastings, and have worked with the Law Society of Ireland in promoting H uman Rights law and mental health, including profile article in The Irish Times:
- – Law Society of Ireland Interview as Human Rights practitioner;
- “Citizenship Case, BROADCAST • 16:30 • 15TH OCT 2019;
I am a sole practitioner dedicated in providing legal advise and assistance at a level that resonates with the client, with a clear understanding of and experience in Human Rights and Equality.
01. 264 1808 /// 087 151 4292